The Three Count: How To Fix 205 Live

-By: Aaron Zaremski

BBTR host, Josh Nagy texted me a very simple question awhile back: "Without just scrapping the entire cruiserweight division, how can it (205 Live) be saved?"

What a perfectly simple, yet complex question.

*Pondering as I toil with my mustache*

Yes, quite complex, indeed.

It is safe to say that 205 Live has maybe been the biggest WWE disappointment of the 2017 calendar year. We could mention Sister Abigail, but, I also never want to mention those words ever, and I  mean, EEEVVVVVV-ER... again.

Considering how massively well-received the Cruiserweight Classic was, there were very high-flying hopes when it was announced that the Cruiserweight division would be a RAW exclusive, post brand-split.

But now, all story lines and feuds from that tournament have gone away, and the last three Cruiserweight champions were not even involved with the tournament.

AND the current title holder, Enzo Amore, is only on 205 Live, because he received a demotion from RAW, because he was viewed as being super annoying in the locker room, which is obviously a good endorsement of that title.

So, in this first edition of the Three Count, which is a thing I just decided I am doing, I will give three ways that WWE can fix 205 Live/the Cruiserweight Division!

Hopefully, WWE can take one of these ideas to kick-out of their funk, or else they will be down for the count.

1.) Copy WCW And Let Cruiserweights Compete In Non-Cruiserweight Matches

I know, right? Who has ever uttered those words? Copy WCW? I know, I know, all WCW ever did was Vince Russo booking, piƱata on pole matches and the like... at least that is the rhetoric that WWE will say about the company.

But do you know what WCW had? A really good Cruiserweight Division.

Much has been said in shoot interviews by the names of Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero, etc. about how they could never ascend into the main-event picture in World Championship Wrestling.

However, none of these men were confined to continuous five-minute 6-man tags, with purple ropes, and modified ring mats.

No, they were a seamless part of any WCW show, yet they still provided a nice change-of-pace to the rest of the card.

Also, they were not confined to just only being the Cruiserweight Champion. Many Cruiserweights went on to hold WCW's mid-card championships, the United States and Television titles. Many Cruiserweight tag-teams even held the Tag-Team titles, all of which were "outside" their weight limits.

By allowing that, the division gained credibility. Imagine if Finn Balor was apart of 205 Live, but was competing for the Universal Title, as Enzo Amore held the Cruiserweight Title. Without Enzo even doing anything, the Cruiserweight belt would have gained prestige, just because of Balor doing something outside of the division.

Frankly, this idea popped into my head whilst watching TLC and the Rich Swann/Cedric Alexander vs. Jack Gallagher/Brian Kendrick match.

Swann and Alexander worked so well together, I wanted more of it. I exclaimed, "Why not let these guys go for the RAW Tag Titles?!"

Then I sighed, and resigned to that fact that they will just wither away in a 8-Man tag team match, the next night on RAW.

2.) Move Tapings To Full Sail Before/After NXT Tapings

One of the most glaring things, that jumps off of the screen watching 205 Live, is the fact that the crowd (what is left of it after Smackdown: Live) is bored and does not care.

A very simple remedy for this, is to move their taping to the home of NXT and the Cruiserweight Classic, Full Sail University.

WWE hit a home-run with NXT, because it feels different. A major factor to that, is the more intimate crowd at Full Sail. That same crowd really helped put over matches at the CWC, most notably, when they chanted for Triple H to sign Cedric Alexander, after his elimination from the tournament.

205 Live is already a Network show, and frankly, the WWE could save a little more money without having to go full-scale at Full Sail. The Cruiserweight Title could then be treated on the main roster, much how the United Kingdom Title is handled in NXT. That is, whenever you see that title being defended on a Network Special or RAW/Smackdown: Live taping, it automatically feels special and a treat to see.

You could also use the NXT talent available there, too. Much like the women of the Mae Young Classic have assimilated into the NXT roster.
Pete Dunne already refers to himself as "the Bruiserweight" so imagine him actually in the Cruiserweight Division. You can also add the likes of Aleister Black, Adam Cole, TM-61, Oney Lorcan, No Way Jose, Roderick Strong, and others to division, to help get them involved in storylines, if they are not being booked on NXT.

Just like that, you could completely re-shape your entire division, without having to go out and sign any new talent from the independents.

Just imagine Aleister Black holding that Cruiserweight Title and floating from NXT/205 Live, to the main roster on PPVs. Long gone would be the pre-show Akira Tozawa/Tony Nese vs. Drew Gulak/TJ Perkins, pre-pre show matches and Black vs. Strong, or Black vs. Dunne matches could have a proper place on the main show.

3.) Actually Have Storylines

Quick, tell me an actual storyline in the Cruiserweight Division/205 Live, that is currently on going.

*Starts playing "I Will Wait" by Mumford & Sons...*

*Already at the chorus of "I Will Wait" by Mumford & Sons...*

*Finished "I Will Wait" by Mumford & Sons...*


Now you can see why Austin Aries and Neville walked out.

In the last three months, the Cruiserweight strap has changed hands five times. But remember, WWE wants you to know that only WCW changed titles that much.

And my constant mentioning of 6-man and 8-man tag-team matches, has been as redundant as those matches are in real life.

The only over arching storyline that I can think of, right now, is Brian Kendrick helping mentor Jack Gallagher to become a heel. But, Kendrick has already done that with inaugural CWC winner, and the first Cruiserweight Champion, T.J. Perkins.

'Member him? T.J. Perkins? That video game entrance and stuff. Dabbin'. That was neat.

Could you imagine committing time to watch RAW, Smackdown: Live, or even NXT and be hard pressed to think of a single feud or storyline of note on those shows? The simple and short answer is, "No."

So, 205 Live should not be the exception, it should be the alternative. Their show should be so action packed, with fun, exciting matches that make you only want to see more.
If not, then 205 Live might be down for the count.
